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Troubardour Coffee

A Pact of Loyalty With The Land

 Sustainability via Regenerative Agriculture

We are not ‘eco’ because it’s trendy, or because it’s going to help us sell coffee. Our commitment to the land is real and perpetual

Our company was born during the COVID-19 world pandemic and we don’t need further proof to understand that Mother Earth is our client, our partner, our shareholder, and our friend. We take care of our plants and the plants take care of us.

Reforesting 3,500 new citrus and banana shade trees with local school group at Finca Noemy (2019)

Our pact with the land is
to grow in harmony with it.

Troubardour Coffee

—The coffee flowers appear for only a few days after first rains.

—Some photos of the tropical birds that live in our farm.


Troubardour coffee is shade-grown which according to the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, is “the next best thing to a natural forest.

The farm is brimming with shady fruit trees that assist in generating a habitat which attracts many species of birds that add to the beauty of the farm and also dramatically help deter pests, allowing us to grow crops in a natural way

—In 2019 we planted an additional 3,500 fruit trees in the farm.

Our footprint

The unique ‘honey-process’ by which our beans get dried has the advantage of being completely natural and since the beans are not washed before drying it dramatically saves on water.

The farm has very low carbon emissions and as the business grows our mission is to gradually convert it into a fully sustainable permaculture coffee farm.

We want to become an example for others to follow, not because it’s good for sales or because it’s a trend, but because it just makes sense.


Our workers are our family. They have been with us for years and we take care of them by providing them with competitive salaries and in some cases even housing in our farm

The growth of our company is tied to the growth of their living, their health, their education and their quality of life.

The sale of our coffee and the growth of the company is directly tied to a continual investment in sustainable and regenerative practices and knowledge.

We are in the process 0f transforming every single aspect of our farm— ranging from how we get our power, process and grow our coffee, how we grow food in the farm, to how we work with the local community

Our story is not in the past, our story is in the present

Troubardour Coffee

Here are some of the improvements and investments we plan on doing as coffee sales increase during 2020-2022:

  • Installation of solar panels to give the farm 100% sustainable power.
  • Designing and incorporating permaculture systems into the farm with enough capacity to feed everyone that works at the farm as well as the local community around us.
  • Developing a microlot for cultivating organic cacao.
  • Rain-water collected irrigation system.
  • Developing a microlot for cultivating fully organic coffee.
  • Developing the use of mushrooms and bacteria to deter pests.
  • Building a larger coffee mill so more coffee can be processed directly at the farm.
  • Zero-waste operation

We ship to Canada, USA and most of the EU. Cancel your subscription anytime.